Retweets happen for a reason – one of your followers sees value in what you are tweeting and thinks it is worthwhile and has shareable content. By retweeting your followers are letting you know they thought your tweet was relevant, respect your comments and think their own followers would benefit from the information…or they might just think you are funny. Either way, it represents a higher level of engagement with you.
I don`t want to overpromise anything – there is no guaranteed formula for getting retweeted. You might not see any monetary value from a retweet, but your message, first broadcasted to only your followers, gets pushed out to a much broader audience and therefore more potential customers/clients than your tweet would alone. Think about it this way, if you have 200 followers and one follower retweets you to their 100 followers, your tweet potentially reached 300 people. And you didn’t even have to pay for it.
And a retweet is in many ways a testimonial…which increases its value even more.
A few Tips for Getting Retweeted
1. Know your followers and tweet appropriate content
2. Make it easy – watch your character count (for replies)
3. Don’t tweet the basics (i.e. front page of Mashable)
4. If you are tweeting an article, make sure you read the content before tweeting
5. Be relevant, current and scan recent tweets to make sure you aren’t being repetitive
6. Review your content strategy to ensure you understand when your followers are most engaged. This will help to determine the best times to tweet during the day
7. Ask for a RT…sounds needy but it works 🙂